Al-Farabi: Life and Legacy

Friday, 17 July 2020
Abu Nasr al-Farabi (d. 950) is one the most celebrated philosophers in world history. Hailing from Central Asia, he lived and travelled throughout the Middle East and North Africa, leaving virtually no field of knowledge in his day untouched. ‘The Second Teacher’ after Aristotle had a long-lasting effect on the intellectual history of the Muslim world and the Latin West, leaving important works in logic, physics, music, ontology, politics, and psychology. 
The symposium brings together world specialists on al-Farabi to discuss his far-reaching legacy. The panelists’ presentations will be followed by questions and a discussion. 



Professor Galimkair Mutanov

Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Dr Feriel Bouhafa

University of Cambridge


Professor Peter Adamson

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


Professor Saida Daukeyeva

Wesleyan University



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