Faith and Climate Change
The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS), UK and the Pardee Center for the Longer-Range Future at Boston University, USA are collaborating in a future-oriented, interdisciplinary, and structured research initiative to explore the moral dimensions of climate action and the possible role of faith-based values in encouraging positive environmental and climate behaviors – particularly in the context of Islam and Muslim societies.
As part of this initiative, there will be a roundtable on 27 and 28 May at the Centre to explore the dimensions of a possible research agenda on faith and climate change, particularly in the context of Islam and Muslim societies. The roundtable will bring together scholars, policy experts and activists from a variety of disciplines and perspective to discuss and identify a set of key research questions that might constitute the core of a research inquiry into faith and climate change
The Roundtable will have a public event at 5:00pm on 27 May 2024. It would be a lively, conversational, informed and spontaneous discussion amongst four domain experts that brings a flavour of the Roundtable to a public audience. It will also offer an opportunity to the audience to pose questions and will hopefully excite them about this important area. Click here to view the event flyer.
The public event will begin at 5pm in the Centre's Jerusalem Room. Prior booking is not required. All welcome.

View the roundtable brochure here.