Islamic Architecture in Context: Space and Culture
This roundtable explored the meaning and key concepts of Islamic architecture, and its relationship to the arts, sciences and natural world.
The day included the following presentations:
- Professor Salma Samar Damluji (American University of Beirut), ‘Architecture and Culture as a Context’;
- Dr Viola Bertini, ‘Earth & Utopia: Hassan Fathy Egyptian Architect (1901-1989)’;
- Professor Nader El Bizri, ‘Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives behind the premodern Islamic Architecture’;
- Panel discussion with Prof Damluji, Dr Bertini, Sultan Al Harithi, Graham Modlen, Ellis Woodman and Dr Karim Lahham;
- Tour of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, with Dr Afifi Al-Akiti.
Light refreshments and buffet lunch will be provided
Open to the Public
For more information and registration for this free event please visit Eventbrite.