The Future of Iraq

Friday, 3 September 2004 - Sunday, 5 September 2004

A Conference on ‘The Future of Iraq’ was held on 3–5 September 2004. Discussion focussed on the Iraq war and the consequences of occupation, prospects for genuine sovereignty, integrity of borders, good governance and economic prosperity, the role of the relationships between social and ethnic groups within Iraqi society; and the wider regional and global contexts.

Discussion of the issues were categorised under four broad themes: Background to the War, Iraq Today, The Wider Global Context, and Prospects for the Future.

Overall, participants acknowledged that the long-term prosperity of Iraq depends on the establishment of the rule of law, representative government, and sustainable economic development. That process must occur with the support and involvement of the Iraqi people in order to build a nation that is true to its cultural heritage and responsive to the needs of all its people.
