Young Muslim Leadership Programme - Application Form 2025

Deadline for applications is 11.59pm on 25th April 2025

Please note: To be eligible for YMLP you must be a British citizen between the ages of 21 and 30 at the time the programme commences. 

Personal details

Home address:

Vocational/Professional qualifications/ Further education

Re-order Professional body/Institution Country Title of Course Year (from): Completion date: Results (if applicable) Weight Operations
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Voluntary activities 

Re-order Name: Position/Role assumed Year Weight Operations
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Re-order Name: Affiliate Year Weight Operations
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Re-order Name: Level Year Weight Operations
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Employment (if relevant)

Are you currently employed?
Re-order Current/last employer name & address Years with current/ last employer Position Job responsibilities Weight Operations
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Re-order Name Adress Position Weight Operations
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Funding & Bursaries

The cost of YMLP is £2500.

If you are offered a place on the programme, you will be sent a sponsorship letter to assist you with seeking funding from your employer or another sponsor.

While participants are expected to seek funding for their place on the course, there are a number of bursaries available to cover some or all of the cost of YMLP. If you require a bursary, you will be expected to provide information about the steps you have taken in order to raise the money to fund this course

Will you or a sponsoring body be covering the full cost of the course?
Do you require a full bursary?


How did you hear about the course?

Please read carefully

1. Please attach the following documents (or arrange for them to be forwarded to OCIS by the deadline):
a. A personal statement of not more than 750 words that includes:
- Your objectives in applying for YMLP
- Previous experience (gained, for example, from volunteering, education or employment) and personal qualities that make you a strong candidate for this programme.
- How your participation in this programme will benefit your career
- How your participation in this programme will benefit your community
b. Two confidential letters of recommendation from referees who can assess your potential. 

These can be either emailed to or posted to:

The Coordinator YMLP
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies
Marston Road

2. Only completed applications will be acknowledged. If your application is not acknowledged please check that all documents
have been submitted (including references).
3. Applications are assessed on the quality of application and the potential benefit the applicant may derive from attending YMLP. Some account is taken of preference for gender balance and the diversity of backgrounds of applicants. The ability of an applicant to pay for the course is not currently a selection criterion.

Upload requirements


I hereby declare that the particulars provided in this form are true in every respect. I understand that if any of these
particulars given by me are found to be untrue, my application will be disqualified.
I give permission for my personal data to be handled for the purpose of the application process.rttutu