Journal of Islamic Studies Issue 30 Number 1, January 2019
The latest issue of the Journal of Islamic Studies contains articles by Essam Ayyad, on An Historiographical Analysis of the Arabic Accounts of Early Mosques: With Special Reference to Those at Madina, Baṣra and Kūfa, Liana Saif, on Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ’s Religious Reform and Magic: Beyond the Ismaʿili Hypothesis, and Feyzullah Yılmaz, on Overcoming Nihilism Through Sufism: An Analysis of Iqbal’s Article on ʿAbd al-Karīm al-Jīlī.
The issue also contains 14 book reviews of some of the most recent publications about Islam and the Muslim World.
The full contents can be seen here.